Some Stuff

After a Windows 7 restart, my right hand side bar has disappeared and been replaced by a new bar with titles "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Orange", and "Red". What happened to my Bar.

Can we save the side bars to retrieve later. Where are the sidebars kept in the computer?




on Jan 24, 2011

Right hand sidebar of what?  Can you do a screenshot?

on Jan 24, 2011

Maybe someone here understands what you mean but I am not sure what bar you are referring too. Windows 7 does not have a standard sidebar as such. It comes with gadgets and you can choose those by right clicking on your desktop and choosing gadgets. Are you able to post a screenshot of what you are talking about? 

on Jan 24, 2011

Philly beat me to it

on Jan 25, 2011

It almost sounds like you are referencing the tabbed dock in ObjectDock, as you mention colored titles on the bar. Is this what you are referring to? Can you please be more specific in your description?

on Jan 25, 2011

Yes I mean I lost my right hand side tabbed dock in ObjectDock


It also seems hard to drag program icons into the tabbed dock. It looses the links.